Our infant nursery is intended to provide a clean, safe environment, where babies can experience God's love through caregivers.
Our toddler nursery is also staffed in such a way, that the needs of each toddler can be met.
In this class, children are challenged and encouraged as they begin to explore the Bible and the characters therein. Material is reinforced through songs and crafts.
By first grade, the children are ready to dive into their Bibles. This class emphasizes the Bible and focuses on these topics...
Junior, Primary & Bitty Church, all are offered at the 10 o’clock hour, with different curriculum and focus than the Sunday school classes.
You can designate a one-time or recurring donation in any combination of the following categories:
Tithe (General Fund): (Cornerstone Baptist members/attenders only please)
Supports the daily operating expenses of Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Supports the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world by investing in the missionary works supported by Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Building Fund:
Funds the ongoing campus development of Cornerstone Baptist Church.
Helps to pay the principal on our mortgage.
Special/Love Offering:
Gifts given for special speakers, projects, or needs.
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